Our Curriculum, Planning and Assessments
Our curriculum follows Development Matters 2020 which is the non-statutory curriculum guidance for the Early Years Foundation Stage.
At Twinkle Star we have created a curriculum that is important to us using our own Statements of Learning. We champion Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Communication and Language and Physical Development as we feel these three areas are the very basis of child development.
Supplementary to these three areas, we also embrace Literacy, Maths, Knowledge and Understanding of the World and Expressive Art and Design. The skills needed within these seven areas are taught concurrently throughout our Pre School year in order to provide every child with a broad, concise, challenging and interesting curriculum.

The following are our Statements of Learning:
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- How to manage my feelings
- Establish relationships and connections
- Be a good friend
Communication and Language
- Listening skills
- Understanding others
- Speaking skills
- Learn my numbers and their values
- Shapes
- Quantities and patterns
Expressive Art and Design
- Role Play and Fantasy Play
- Dance, sing and express myself
- Explore my creativity
Physical Development
- How to use my whole body
- How to be part of a team
- Make healthy choices
- Use tools appropriately
- I will engage and enjoy books, songs and poems
- Recognise my name
- Begin to write
Knowledge and Understanding of the World
2. The natural world
3. Technology skills
Our planning, albeit our whole school or individual key person planning encompass these statements.
Our children are assessed on entry each year and assessed via on their birthday and half birthday. They are also spotlight checked for progress twice a year to ensure we understand exactly where our children are developmentally.
We engage with our parents in Tapestry, an online learning journal which allows us and their families to record our children’s journey at Twinkle Star with photographs, statements and developmental flags.
When combined, we feel this creates the perfect storm of development. To ensure our continued Outstanding contribution to the learning and development of every child.